
Temporary Street Closure Accommodates Extra NES Crews

Temporary Street Closure Accommodates Extra NES Crews

Nashville, Tenn. – Beginning May 5, 2010, NES has received permission from Metro Public Works to close 12th Avenue North between Charlotte Avenue & the Church Street Viaduct. The move is a logistical one to accommodate the overflow of equipment and vehicles that were displaced by the flooding at the NES West Nashville Service Center. Over one hundred forty employees from the West Center and all of the equipment and supplies required for them to continue to do their jobs have been absorbed into the downtown NES facility, so we are literally bursting at the seams, said NES President and CEO Decosta Jenkins. Closing the street to thru traffic will provide much needed space for loading and unloading transformers, poles and other heavy equipment being used during the extensive flood restoration effort, as well as allowing the around the clock activity to be conducted without the distractions and safety concerns of passing traffic. We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause the public but, due to the overwhelming circumstances, numerous adjustments must be made as we continue to work together to provide service to our customers and to our community, Jenkins said. Nashville Electric Service is one of the 12 largest public electric utilities in the nation, distributing energy to more than 355,000 customers in Middle Tennessee. For more information about NES, visit