Nashville, Tenn. - Standard & Poors Ratings Services recently affirmed the Nashville Electric Service AA+ rating on the electric systems outstanding revenue bonds. “We feel gratified that this respected rating agency expressed such a high level of confidence in our ability to succeed,” said NES VP Finance/Administration & CFO, Teresa Broyles-Aplin. Our commitment is to deliver the highest level of customer service and reliability at the lowest reasonable price.
Nashville, Tenn. – Standard & Poors Ratings Services recently affirmed the Nashville Electric Service AA+ rating on the electric systems outstanding revenue bonds. “We feel gratified that this respected rating agency expressed such a high level of confidence in our ability to succeed,” said NES VP Finance/Administration & CFO, Teresa Broyles-Aplin. Our commitment is to deliver the highest level of customer service and reliability at the lowest reasonable price. Standard & Poors ÔAA+ rating reflects NES’ strong operating performance and a management team that maintains sound financial practices. Other strengths include the areas economic stability and steady customer growth. The rating also takes into account damage to the NES system during the May 2010 flood, which was small given the severity of the flooding. Between Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement, state resources and other insurance, the financial impact to NES was modest and did not affect Standard & Poors rating. Nashville Electric Service is one of the 12 largest public electric utilities in the nation, distributing energy to more than 360,000 customers in Middle Tennessee. For more information about NES, visit www.nespower.com.