NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Nashville Electric Service (NES) customers will see an increase to their bill in October. A scheduled NES increase, combined with a recently announced Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) increase, will raise the average residential customers monthly bill by approximately $9.13. This planned rate increase is a direct result of NES commitment to constantly improve reliability and strengthen service, combined with the rising costs of power purchased from TVA.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Nashville Electric Service (NES) customers will see an increase to their bill in October. A scheduled NES increase, combined with a recently announced Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) increase, will raise the average residential customers monthly bill by approximately $9.13. This planned rate increase is a direct result of NES commitment to constantly improve reliability and strengthen service, combined with the rising costs of power purchased from TVA. Rate increases allow us to honor our commitment to our customers by providing safe, uninterrupted service and the most efficient customer response methods in the event of a crisis, said Decosta Jenkins, NES President and CEO. We understand rises in cost are never ideal, and we are dedicated to helping our customers navigate these rate increases. Energy rates have slowly climbed year-over-year as evidenced by TVAs recent increases. Part of NES business model is to implement rate increases every three to five years to cover the costs of future planning and development. Todays announcement comes four years after the last NES rate increase. NES postponed a planned increase last year in favor of the financial well-being of its customers still recovering from an economic downturn. While some customers may not notice the rate change, NES understands the burden of scheduled increases and seeks to support those requiring additional help. For more information on bill assistance, please visit www.nespower.com/energy_assistance.html. To learn first-hand how to better manage energy costs in the home, NES and TVA offer Neighborhood Energy Savers workshops with hands-on training for easy household fixes such as weather stripping and caulking. Visit www.nespower.com/community_workshops.html for more information. Residential customers who have been with NES for more than 12 months may also apply for Balanced Billing, a program designed to allocate the average cost of their homes energy use over 12 months to better manage business rate and seasonal increases. For additional information, visit www.nespower.com/balancedbill.html. NES also understands the complex nature of rate increases and is open to hearing customer feedback about the matter. Concerned customers can provide their feedback by calling 615-695-7477 or sending an e-mail to custserv@nespower.com.