Nashville, Tenn. - Five years after launching its first ever online outage map for customers, NES is unveiling a new and improved interactive tool using Googles mapping technology. The outage map is available on Nashville Electric Services website at nespower.com/OutageMap. The map offers a high level view of outages across the NES system, pop up boxes for additional details, and a drill down capability to identify streets without power.
Nashville, Tenn. – Five years after launching its first ever online outage map for customers, NES is unveiling a new and improved interactive tool using Googles mapping technology. The outage map is available on Nashville Electric Services website at nespower.com/OutageMap. The map offers a high level view of outages across the NES system, pop up boxes for additional details, and a drill down capability to identify streets without power. The outage map uses color-coded icons to indicate the number and location of customers without power in the NES service area. Customers can click on their location on the map to find out how many customers are affected, the time it was reported, and if a crew has been assigned to make repairs. Information on the map is updated every 15 minutes. Be sure to use your browsers refresh button to view the latest data. The legend at the top of the map explains the value of each color-coded icon. Click on the icon for information about the outage. The map view can be customized by selecting the Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain options. Click + to zoom in, click – to zoom out. Use the arrows (upper left of map) to navigate up, down, left, or right. A mobile-friendly version of the map is also available for customers on the go using their smart phones at www.nespower.com/outagemapdata/gmap/mOutage5.html. In addition to the outage map, customers can report a street light problem online and find information on storm safety and NES power restoration process at nespower.com. Nashville Electric Service is one of the 12 largest public electric utilities in the nation, distributing energy to 360,000 customers in Middle Tennessee.