Nashville, Tenn. - Now is the time homeowners are replacing trees that were damaged by last summer’s drought. Many plants did not survive the scorching weather without rainfall. This spring, NES reminds you to “Look Up Before Planting” and follow a few simple guidelines before you plant anything near a power line.
NES requires a minimum clearance of 10 feet from utility poles and 15 feet from power lines. By following NES Planting Guidelines, homeowners can eliminate the need for tree trimming in the future.
Nashville, Tenn. – Now is the time homeowners are replacing trees that were damaged by last summer’s drought. Many plants did not survive the scorching weather without rainfall. This spring, NES reminds you to “Look Up Before Planting” and follow a few simple guidelines before you plant anything near a power line.
NES requires a minimum clearance of 10 feet from utility poles and 15 feet from power lines. By following NES Planting Guidelines, homeowners can eliminate the need for tree trimming in the future.
The Metro Tree Advisory Committee, in partnership with NES, has compiled a list of Power line-Approved Trees that only reach an average height of 20 feet. If you have questions about where to plant trees and shrubs, call our tree trimming hotline at 615-695-7400.
Trees planted under or near power lines can pose a potentially dangerous hazard that could cause a serious or fatal shock. Branches growing into electrical lines can also cause momentary short circuits (flickering lights) and major power outages during thunderstorms or high winds.