
NES New Video To Sprout New Trees Around Nashville

NES New Video To Sprout New Trees Around Nashville

Nashville, Tenn. – Nashville Electric Service (NES) has announced that it will plant more trees in Nashville just for watching its newest video – Right Tree. Right Place. NES wants you to know what trees are safe to plant near power lines. So, the utility will contribute $1 to its tree-planting fund for each like or share the video receives on Facebook during the month of June. The NES tree_planting program provides trees for ReLeaÞng Day and Arbor Day plantings throughout Nashville. “We have close to 100 likes and shares on the video, but we want that number to increase before the end of June, said Laurie Parker, NES social media coordinator. The more likes we get, the more trees we can plant. One like equals one dollar. NES had success with a similar tree-planting promotion in 2010. NES encouraged customers to enroll in paperless billing with NES E-bill. In turn, the utility was able to contribute close to $8,000 to its tree fund thanks to the large number of sign-ups. To learn more, visit and look for the Right Tree. Right Place. icon on the homepage. Or, find NES on Facebook at Nashville Electric Service is one of the 12 largest public electric utilities in the nation, distributing energy to more than 360,000 customers in Middle Tennessee. For more information about NES, visit