NES Senior Human Resources Assistant Artetta West recently got a glimpse of what it is like to serve as a Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) principal. The opportunity was a part of MNPS’s “Principal for a Day” event, a unique experience that gives community members a chance to spend a morning with a Metro principal. Artetta visited Gateway Elementary School in Madison, where she shadowed the school’s principal, Ashley Jackson. Artetta observed Principal Jackson in her everyday role as a school administrator, helping her greet students as they arrived and making morning announcements. After a tour of the school, Artetta then had the opportunity to meet students and staff, and participated in activities such as guided reading, student murals, and musical sing-a-longs.

Afterward, she concluded her day with a luncheon at Cheekwood Estate & Gardens, one of the sponsors of the event along with Burr & Forman, Southwest Airlines, Ryman Hospitality Properties, and MNPS. Cane Ridge High School Marching Band entertained guests, including a live performance of the MNPS anthem “Every Student Known”. More than 300 community members participated in “Principal for A Day,” with 130 MNPS principals welcoming those community members to observe at their schools. The event is presented by Amazon and hosted by PENCIL, a non-profit organization that builds strategic partnerships between community groups and the needs of MNPS.
Great work, Artetta!