

Offering programs that help you save energy is important, and it’s a big part of what you expect from us as evident in our latest customer survey.

We’re glad to know you feel that way. It means we’re on the right track about communicating all of the valuable energy-saving initiatives that Nashville Electric Service (NES) has to offer.

Because of your interest, NES leads the way among other distributors in the Valley in energy-efficiency program participation through the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). As a result, our customers have saved more than 26 million kilowatt hours (kWh) last year alone.

We couldn’t be prouder of your energy-saving efforts. In fact, TVA has recognized the impressive results by presenting NES with an EnergyRight Solutions Award for outstanding performance in the following categories.

Green Power Switch – Customers purchase renewable electricity from resources such as wind, solar and methane gas. NES is first in the Valley with 10,415 megawatt hours of renewable energy sold.

Green Power Providers – This program provides technical support and incentives for customers who generate their own renewable energy. NES ranks second with 31 new systems installed in 2016.

Energy Right Solutions for Business – Commercial customers can receive rebates on high-efficiency lighting and heating & cooling equipment. NES places second in the Valley for providing energy assessments and incentives for a combined savings of 14.3 million kWh.

Do-It-Yourself Energy Audit – Customers learn ways to save by taking a quick online energy survey and receiving a free energy-saving kit in the mail. NES is third overall with more than 990 participants.