
NES Branches Out to Provide Tree Trimming Help

NES Branches Out to Provide Tree Trimming Help

NASHVILLE, TN – Tree trimming isn’t popular, but Nashville Electric Service (NES) is working hard to make sure residents have the right information at their fingertips and a place to go when they want to be heard.

As a result, NES has unveiled yet another customer-driven feature to its recently redesigned website. Residents can track the progress of contract crews across the service area and drill down into their neighborhood to find out if work is being done.

Glenn Springer, Vegetation Manager for NES says, “This map answers the number one question people ask us. ‘When will crews be trimming on my street?’”

NES has also announced the creation of a new tree trimming hotline number, 615-695-7400. A specially-trained staff is on hand, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, to answer questions geared toward NES’ Vegetation Management program.