
Meeting the Challenge to Reduce Greenhouse Gases

The power supply that energizes Middle Tennessee is getting cleaner. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are down more than 30 percent and are forecasted to drop 60 percent by 2020.

That means more electricity is being generated from renewables, nuclear energy and waste products, while customers are becoming more efficient consumers.

Did you know that 100 percent of the electricity that powers your home is generated by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) via hydroelectric dams, fossil fuel-fired resources and nuclear plants and renewable energy sources? Nashville Electric Service (NES) purchases that power and delivers it across the grid to your home or business and more than 380,000 of your neighbors.

Renewable generation sources include wind, solar, hydropower and biomass. We’re proud that our customers purchase the most renewable electricity in the Valley through TVA’s Green Power Switch program, and 31 new renewable energy systems were installed by customers through Green Power Providers last year.

In addition, NES in partnership with TVA, has announced plans to launch the city’s first community solar program consisting of 5,966 panels on the site of a former landfill in North Nashville.

Another reason for lower CO2 emissions is the fact that electricity use has decreased thanks to more efficient homes, appliances and technical devices. Customers are taking advantage of free tools to help them save, whether it be the do-it-yourself energy audit or PowerWise Bill Analyzer.

And, more than 2,500 Nashville-area homeowners have earned rebates on upgrades to improve the efficiency and comfort level of their homes. Along with customers lowering their energy load, NES utilizes voltage reduction to reduce energy use during high demand without impacting reliability.

Whether it’s empowering customers to make easy, energy-saving choices or reducing our impact by diversifying our fleet with alternative vehicle technologies that now make up nearly 60 percent of passenger cars and light duty vehicles operated daily by NES, we are committed to promoting responsible energy use.