
Make A Splash With Summer Savings

Fire up the grill while the heat is on and save on your electric bills this summer. Besides, who doesn’t love barbecuing outdoors?

Cooking can create a major source of heat within your home. If you are planning to use the stovetop or oven instead of the microwave or grill, turn the oven hood ventilation fan on to help remove the heat. It’s just one strategy you can use to save energy during the hottest days of the year.

With a few small adjustments around the house, keep your cool and Make a Splash with Summer Savings.

  • Tackling Laundry – There are two ways to reduce your energy usage when washing clothes – use less water and use cooler water. Unless you’re dealing with oily stains, the warm or cold water setting on your machine will generally do a good job of cleaning your clothes. Switching from hot to warm can cut your load’s energy use in half. If you have a front-loading washer or high-efficiency top-loader, use detergent labeled for high-efficiency machines. And, don’t forget to air dry clothing outside or on a drying rack when possible.
  • Know Your Settings – Set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall bill will be. Keep your house warmer than normal when you are away and lower the thermostat setting between 76° and 78° when you get home. A programmable thermostat can make it easy to set back your temperature.
  • Apply the Wind Chill Effect – Using a ceiling fan allows you to raise your thermostat setting about four degrees and still stay comfortable by creating a draft throughout the room. Don’t forget to turn off the fan when you leave the room.
  • Change Your Filter – Ensure your A/C unit is running efficiently by cleaning or replacing your air filter and scheduling regular maintenance.
  • Use Sun Block – Block out heat from direct sunlight with carefully selected window treatments. Studies show that medium-colored draperies with white-plastic backings can reduce heat gain by 33 percent. However, you’ll still need to caulk and weatherstrip around windows to reduce any air leaks.

For more energy-saving tips, visit