NASHVILLE, TN - Nashville Electric Service (NES) distributed 143 computers and monitors to 39 local charitable and civic organizations recently.
“While the computers are used, they are in good working condition,” said Vic Hatridge, Vice President Information Systems. “We looked at several options, including using them for spare parts, but we realized the computers could be put to good use. We decided to award the computers to organizations in which NES employees are actively involved.”
Employees submitted the names of local charitable and civic organizations with which they actively volunteer. A committee then awarded the computers to organizations using these criteria: (1) Children learning centers utilizing the computers throughout the week, (2) Adult learning centers utilizing the computers throughout the week, and (3) Children and/or adult learning centers utilizing the computers primarily on the weekend.
NASHVILLE, TN – Nashville Electric Service (NES) distributed 143 computers and monitors to 39 local charitable and civic organizations recently.
“While the computers are used, they are in good working condition,” said Vic Hatridge, Vice President Information Systems. “We looked at several options, including using them for spare parts, but we realized the computers could be put to good use. We decided to award the computers to organizations in which NES employees are actively involved.”
Employees submitted the names of local charitable and civic organizations with which they actively volunteer. A committee then awarded the computers to organizations using these criteria: (1) Children learning centers utilizing the computers throughout the week, (2) Adult learning centers utilizing the computers throughout the week, and (3) Children and/or adult learning centers utilizing the computers primarily on the weekend.
Organizations receiving computers included:
- Riverwood Church of Christ Salvation Army
- National Kidney Foundation Community Health Charities
- St. John Missionary Church Hendersonville Pentecostal Church
- Boy Scout Troop 133 Montessori Academy
- New Life Baptist Church Church of God of Prophecy
- Grace Apostolic Church Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
- Providence Baptist Church Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
- Junior Achievement New Beginning Ministry
- C.H.A.N.G.E. Ministry The City of Refuge
- Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center Women on Maintaining Education/Nutrition
- Award, Inc. St. Luke Geriatric Center
- New Life Resources Cheatham County Special Olympics
- Ebenezer Community Church Meharry Boulevard Church of God
- Restoration Community Outreach Joelton Church of Christ
- Liberty Christian Bible Church Madison Church of Christ Preschool
- Jackson Park Church of Christ Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church
- Christ Followers Baptist Community Whiteside-Parks Family Enrichment Center
- Park Avenue Christian School Nashville International Academy
- Edmondson Chapel M.B.C. Northwest Family YMCA