
Leonard Leech of NES elected Vice Chairman of UTC

Leonard Leech of NES elected Vice Chairman of UTC

NASHVILLE, TN – Nashville Electric Service (NES) is proud to announce that Leonard Leech was elected Vice Chairman to the 2004-2005 United Telecom Council (UTC) Leadership.

Mr. Leech is Manager of Design Engineering at NES where he has been employed since 1964. His responsibilities include transmission and distribution planning, control design, communications and system protection, and special projects. He has served as Chairman of the Member Services Division at UTC and various other committees and task forces at UTC, as well as at other state and national associations.

Mr. Leech holds a BSEE from Tennessee Technological University and a MSEE from the University of Tennessee. He and his wife, Hope, reside in Nashville, TN. UTC’s 2004-2005 Executive Committee will be comprised of Leech, Chairman Ken Campbell, Network Consultant for American Electric Power Service Corporation; Secretary Treasurer Jeff Selman, Manger of Telecom and Protection Engineering for Tri-State Generation and Transmission; Immediate Past President Jim Stahl of PacifiCorp; UTC’s President and CEO Bill Moroney; and UTC’s Vice President and General -Counsel Jill Lyon.

About United Telecom Council

The United Telecom Council (UTC) is a global trade association whose members own, manage or provide critical telecommunications systems in support of their core business. Founded in 1948 to advocate for the allocation of additional radio spectrum for power utilities, UTC now represents over 10,000 electric, gas, and water utilities; natural gas pipelines; and critical infrastructure companies who serve all corners of the world and virtually every community in North America.

For more information about NES, call 615-747-3613, or call the media phone at 615-351-4530.