

When the sun goes down and temperatures drop, a cold reality sets in for many people in Middle Tennessee. They struggle to stay warm in their homes during the winter months.

That’s why our annual Project Help giving campaign is so important. Nashville Electric Service (NES) is proud to announce that this year’s drive was a success thanks to the generosity of customers looking for a way to give back to those in need.

More than 400 customers enrolled in Project Help during the three-month drive resulting in $11,160 donations annually, proving that a warm heart can in fact warm homes.

One-hundred percent of donations go to provide temporary energy assistance to the elderly, disabled and low-income customers in our community. The funds are administered by NeedLink Nashville, an organization that for more than a century has helped people facing an unexpected crisis avoid homelessness and stay connected to power, water and natural gas service.

Customers who are donating to Project Help will know that their money is going directly to keep needy homeowners safe and warm in their homes.

“We are grateful to our customers and employees who have been longtime supporters of Project Help and many other worthwhile causes that assist families who are struggling financially,” said NES President & CEO Decosta Jenkins.

According to NeedLink Nashville, thousands of adults and children have been reached through Project Help donations.

After her husband passed away, Evelyn was living on a Social Security payment of $1,280 per month. This past winter, she had problems with her HVAC unit, which contributed to a $500 power bill for December, plus a $450 repair bill. Evelyn can’t receive food stamps because she has too much income, so she was faced with the choice of paying her power bill, buying food or getting her heart medicine. Funds from Project Help covered a portion of Evelyn’s bill and NeedLink helped her submit an application to one of their financial assistance coalition partners for even more help getting caught up.

Another customer, Nathan, never expected to be raising his two daughters alone. They both caught the flu last February, one after another, and he missed two weeks of flooring work as a result. He got behind on his bill and his power was cut off. He needed electricity to cook dinner for his little girls and for them to do their homework. NeedLink was able to reconnect his service before his daughters came home from school that day.

There are two easy ways for customers to make a big difference.

  • Simply add $1 or more to your monthly bill by signing up at Click on “Energy Assistance” and submit the online form.
  • Support Project Help by using your Kroger® Plus Card when you shop for groceries. Register online at and select NeedLink Nashville as your charity of choice. All donations go directly to NeedLink Nashville to help individuals who qualify for aid.

Individuals may also consider helping a specific customer with their NES bill by purchasing an energy gift certificate in the NES Customer Lobby or by calling NES Customer Relations at 615-736-6900. These certificates are available in $5 increments with a $25 minimum purchase to help pay NES electric bills.