NASHVILLE, TN — Nashville Electric Service (NES) will host a neighborhood open house to explain and answer questions about tree trimming scheduled for the Lockeland Springs area of East Nashville. The meeting will be held at the East Nashville Public Library, 206 Gallatin Road, on Thursday, May 6, from 5-7 p.m.
NES’ accelerated Vegetation Management Program is designed to reduce the number of power outages that customers experience. A study conducted by Environmental Consultants, Inc. (ECI) found that NES has the highest number of tree-caused outages per 100 miles of line of any of the more than 100 utilities studied by ECI to date - at least 10 times that of best practice utilities.
NASHVILLE, TN — Nashville Electric Service (NES) will host a neighborhood open house to explain and answer questions about tree trimming scheduled for the Lockeland Springs area of East Nashville. The meeting will be held at the East Nashville Public Library, 206 Gallatin Road, on Thursday, May 6, from 5-7 p.m.
NES’ accelerated Vegetation Management Program is designed to reduce the number of power outages that customers experience. A study conducted by Environmental Consultants, Inc. (ECI) found that NES has the highest number of tree-caused outages per 100 miles of line of any of the more than 100 utilities studied by ECI to date – at least 10 times that of best practice utilities.
“Our surveys of both residential and commercial customers show that the most important thing to our customers, other than cost, is reliable service,” said Don Kohanski, NES President and CEO. “We must adequately trim trees to reduce the number of power outages. In doing so, we will follow the Metro Tree Ordinance and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) guidelines.”