Nashville, Tenn. - Did you know that a refrigerator uses almost five times more electricity than an average television uses? It’s something to think about, especially if you have a second fridge in your basement or garage.
Appliances account for about 20% of a home’s energy consumption. The worst offenders include clothes washers and dryers, and refrigerators. The following chart shows how much energy a typical appliance uses in one year. The corresponding costs are based on national averages provided by the Department of Energy.
Nashville, Tenn. – Did you know that a refrigerator uses almost five times more electricity than an average television uses? It’s something to think about, especially if you have a second fridge in your basement or garage.
Appliances account for about 20% of a home’s energy consumption. The worst offenders include clothes washers and dryers, and refrigerators. The following chart shows how much energy a typical appliance uses in one year. The corresponding costs are based on national averages provided by the Department of Energy.
A home computer can easily eat up electricity if it’s left on 24/7, but a pool can pump your wallet dry. A pool pump, depending on the size, can cost over $100 a year to operate, more than any other household appliance. Another high-energy user is a waterbed heater. If you have a waterbed, you are spending more on it, than you do cooking or running your dishwasher.
You can reduce your energy consumption by using appliances wisely. Turn off your computer when it’s not in use, and only run full loads of laundry or dishes. Take advantage of the energy saving settings on your washer & dryer and the “no heat” drying cycle on your dishwasher.
When it comes time to replace outdated appliances, look for the Energy Star label. Think of the appliance with two price tags. The first one covers the purchase price. The second price tag is the cost of operating the appliance during its lifetime. You’ll be paying on that second price tag every month with your electric bill for the next 10 to 20 years, depending on the appliance. The bright yellow Energy Guide label on most appliances will list the annual energy consumption of that model. So, compare for yourself.
You can calculate your home’s unique electric costs at www.nespower.com. Look for the Energy Calculator under Ways to Save. And, if you have kids, now they can learn the value of conservation at Edison’s Kids Korner. Just look for the logo on NES’ homepage.