
Damaged Network Cables Cause Downtown Outage

Damaged Network Cables Cause Downtown Outage

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Power was shut off to several downtown buildings today after four network cables were damaged outside the 10th Avenue Substation, causing Nashville Electric Service to lose its entire North Network. Power has been lost to an area from Charlotte Avenue to Union Street and from 6th Avenue to 10th Avenue. Several buildings downtown are without power, including the State Capitol, Supreme Court, War Memorial Building and the Tennessee Tower. NES crews are making temporary repairs to the network circuits leaving the 10th Avenue Substation. Power is expected to be restored to two of the circuits by 4:30 p.m. This will restore power to most customers. Crews will continue with temporary repairs to bring the other two circuits back on line later in the evening. Buildings that will remain without power after 4:30 p.m. are the Supreme Court and Polk Apartments. NES crews were working in the area of the 10th Avenue Substation to set new poles when they damaged the underground cables. Nashville Electric Service is one of the 12 largest public electric utilities in the nation, distributing energy to more than 360,000 customers in Middle Tennessee. For more information about NES, visit