
Birds Cause Outage, NES Uses Loud Noise to Send Them Away

Birds Cause Outage, NES Uses Loud Noise to Send Them Away

Nashville, Tenn. – Beginning Wednesday, October 13, NES will set off sound devices in the afternoons from 4 p.m. until dark at the Pennington Bend and Madison Substations. The cannon produces a loud noise similar to firecrackers. This disrupts the nesting pattern of birds that roost at the substations. “The birds create a problem for us because they leave droppings on our substation equipment,” said Eddie Andrews, NES Operations Manager. “Over time, the droppings can cause an electrical fault which results in a power outage like it did in Madison this morning.” The sound devices will be used every evening for several weeks. The Pennington Bend Substation is located on Pennington Bend Road in Donelson. The Madison Substation is located at 221 Douglas Road in Madison. Nashville Electric Service is one of the 12 largest public electric utilities in the nation, distributing energy to over 357,000 customers in Middle Tennessee. For more information about NES, visit