NASHVILLE, TN - Nashvillians living in the southern portion of the NES service area may notice low flying aircraft traveling along Nashville Electric Service (NES) transmission lines March 16-24, 2005. Cameras aboard the aircraft will inspect and capture data along the transmission system in an area that stretches from Bellevue to Donelson, south of I-40 all the way to Brentwood. The survey is being conducted to assist NES in determining the need for possible system improvements.
NASHVILLE, TN – Nashvillians living in the southern portion of the NES service area may notice low flying aircraft traveling along Nashville Electric Service (NES) transmission lines March 16-24, 2005. Cameras aboard the aircraft will inspect and capture data along the transmission system in an area that stretches from Bellevue to Donelson, south of I-40 all the way to Brentwood. The survey is being conducted to assist NES in determining the need for possible system improvements.
Weather permitting, one helicopter will fly approximately 1000 feet above ground level on these days. Every attempt will be made to keep the noise level and distractions to a minimum. This is the third phase of a multi-year project to examine the entire NES transmission system.