

An NES bucket truck pulling up with linemen ready to restore power is always a welcomed sight during an outage. But some of our youngest customers are excited to see our hardhat heroes sharing their knowledge in the classroom.

NES linemen have participated in various community and career fairs this school year, including Jobs-on-Wheels Day at Lakeview Elementary and Harpeth Valley Elementary School’s Community Day.

Jobs-on-Wheels Day gives Lakeview Elementary students the opportunity to learn about different careers that involve driving a vehicle. David Davis and Dustin Brazel, both NES linemen from the Donelson Service Center, showed off their bucket truck and shared the tools of their trade with students.

In addition to NES, a wide range of jobs were represented including emergency medical technicians, postal workers, fire fighters and police officers.

At Harpeth Valley, NES West Service Center’s David Baker and Matthew Woodside attended Community Day to share important electrical safety information and the daily responsibilities of a lineman. Students also learned about where electricity comes from and how it powers their homes every day.

NES is proud to participate in community programs like these that educate students on career opportunities in the utility industry.