
Electric Power Board Appoints Decosta Jenkins as President & CEO

Electric Power Board Appoints Decosta Jenkins as President & CEO

NASHVILLE, TN — The Electric Power Board, at a special called Board meeting on September 2, 2004, appointed Decosta Jenkins as President and CEO of Nashville Electric Service (NES) effective September 3, 2004.

Mr. Jenkins was NES’ Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer prior to his appointment. He joined NES in 1991. Prior to joining NES, Mr. Jenkins was with Deloitte and Touche for 11 years where he worked in the audit department with both public and private entities. Mr. Jenkins replaces Don Kohanski who retired on June after 30 years of working for the utility. Since then, Jenkins had co-directed the utility along with chief operating officer C. Allen Bradley, who also was in the running for the top job.

“I appreciate the confidence the Board has shown in me and look forward to working with the Board, management and employees of NES to continue to make NES one of the best public electric utilities in the nation,” Jenkins stated.

Mr. Jenkins graduated from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He is a member and past Treasurer of the Downtown Exchange Club. He serves on the Tennessee Rehabilitative Initiative in Correction Board. He serves on the Board of Directors of Goodwill Industries, the Alumni Board of Leadership Nashville, the Board of Directors of Salvation Army, and serves as Chairman of the Board of Samaritan Ministries/Project S.E.E. He also serves on the Tennessee Supreme Court’s Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization and the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Finance Committee.

He is married and the father of two children.