NASHVILLE, TN — Overall customer satisfaction with Nashville Electric Service (NES) remains strong, with 86% of residential customers saying they are “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with the utility. The top rating of “very satisfied” has risen from 54% to 62% in the last three years. The net positive satisfaction rating is comparable to the rating of 86% received in 2002 and 84% in received in 2001.
Customers said they would be willing to recommend NES to others, with 93% “definitely” or “probably” recommending the company. In fact, 94% of respondents said that they would be “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to choose NES if given a choice of electric utility companies. Survey respondents rated NES performance in 13 different service categories.
NASHVILLE, TN — Overall customer satisfaction with Nashville Electric Service (NES) remains strong, with 86% of residential customers saying they are “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with the utility. The top rating of “very satisfied” has risen from 54% to 62% in the last three years. The net positive satisfaction rating is comparable to the rating of 86% received in 2002 and 84% in received in 2001.
Customers said they would be willing to recommend NES to others, with 93% “definitely” or “probably” recommending the company. In fact, 94% of respondents said that they would be “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to choose NES if given a choice of electric utility companies. Survey respondents rated NES performance in 13 different service categories.
“We are extremely proud of these results,” said Don Kohanski, NES President & CEO. “We pledge to continue to work together to provide our customers with the quality, reliable, and cost effective electricity they have come to expect.”
The survey of randomly selected residential customers was conducted in April 2003.