
Con Men Posing as Energy Auditors at Work in Nashville

Con Men Posing as Energy Auditors at Work in Nashville

NASHVILLE, TN — Nashvillians should be aware that con artists posing as energy audit specialists are at work in Nashville. Two men gained access yesterday into the home of an elderly lady in the Bordeaux area of Nashville.

The men appeared at the woman’s home and offered to perform an energy audit to help her reduce her electric bill. The men distracted the woman by getting her to hold a tape measure and help take pictures of her house. After the men left, the homeowner found that her pocketbook had been moved and her wallet unzipped.

The con artists seem to be targeting older citizens who don’t know to ask for appropriate utility identification.

NES is encouraging our customers to be on the lookout for anyone offering to perform an energy audit they have not requested. If customers are approached, they should ask to see identification. Many NES field employees wear uniforms that clearly identify them as NES employees and all employees carry NES photo ID badges.

Vehicles are marked with the NES logo and/or vehicle number. If customers are still in doubt, call NES Customer Service at 736-6900 to verify that they work for NES. Under no circumstances are NES employees allowed to take cash from customers in the field for payment of an electric bill or any type of work they perform. Customers are asked to report any suspicious behavior or unauthorized contact immediately to the NES Security Department by calling 747-3934.