
Women’s History Month: Nicole, Engineering Supervisor

“I think it is important to instill in girls that there is no limit to what they can do or be. If you can see it, you can be it.”

As I think about women’s history, I think about how little of it was taught in school when I was growing up. I hope this has changed for students today. Boys and especially girls need to know that women have made important and significant contributions in many areas throughout history and continue to do so today. I think it is important to instill in girls that there is no limit to what they can do or be. If you can see it, you can be it.

I have been very fortunate to have women in my life who instilled this in me, all of whom were teachers. My mother and my aunts were great examples of strong women and taught me that as a woman, I would contend with obstacles, but if I persevered, I could overcome them. My elementary school teachers and high school math teachers encouraged me to pursue my love of math and science. At Tennessee State University, I saw women with engineering degrees who were now my professors. I was able to see it, so I knew I, too, could be it.

—Nicole, Engineering Supervisor