
Women’s History Month: Mildred Tibbs, Engineering Secretary

“We as women have to believe in our worth and support one another. It’s our turn to speak loudly and proudly lead the way to a future that lights and lifts women higher.”

Women’s History helps us to learn who we are. When we don’t know our own history, our power and dreams are immediately diminished. We as women have to believe in our worth and support one another. It’s our turn to speak loudly and proudly lead the way to a future that lights and lifts women higher. No matter how hard the road may get, just know that you can do all things through Christ!

Lesson from Queen Esther in the Bible:  The plans of God are not dependent on me, but I’m invited to be a part of his amazing wonders. As a follower of Christ, I know that my times and places are not accidental but chosen.

There are many women who God has allowed to impact my life, personally and professionally. First, there’s my mother Mamie Battle, who is currently 80 years old. As a single mother with a loving and a giving heart, she instilled in me that you have to work hard for anything you want in life because no one is going to give it to you. She taught me to value and respect myself as a woman or no one else will. She faced many challenges in life, but she never let them stop her, so neither will I.

The other woman who impacted my life is my mentor of 28 years, Cynthia Battle, who led me to see who God is, has taught me the word of God, and emphasized being a positive role model. Cynthia and I have done voluntary bible studies for over 12 years at the CDC Women’s Facility here in Nashville and we’ve had community bible studies at our homes. I’ve taught lunch bible studies for several years during my time at NES to help encourage women in the Lord and will continue to fulfill the purpose that God has set before us.