
What You Need to Know: Understanding Advanced Meters

Like all utilities across the country, Nashville Electric Service (NES) is gradually switching from analog meters, which are no longer manufactured, to the latest technology – AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) meters. AMI technology improves your power reliability and helps us better manage the energy load on our system.

As your trusted energy advisor, it’s important to us that you have accurate information about AMI meters since there is a lot of the misinformation circulating online.

Better Technology Means Improved Customer Benefits.

  • AMI meters save time. AMI technology allows meters to be read remotely. Additionally, service can be easily turned on or transferred without rolling a truck.
  • AMI meters are accurate. Instead of a meter reader entering your property to look at the numbers on a dial, the information is automatically and wirelessly sent to NES over a secure network.
  • AMI meters are informative. Understand your energy usage and how the weather affects your bill by knowing what days your usage peaked and when it’s the lowest.
  • AMI meters provide quicker service restoration. Chances are, if you have an AMI meter and your power goes out, NES has already received an alert from the meter, which allows for faster response time.
  • AMI meters are better for the environment. Since advanced meters are read remotely, fewer NES trucks are on the road which reduces pollution, fuel consumption and traffic.

AMI meters use low-energy radio frequency (RF) waves to transmit information between NES and our customers for a few minutes or less each day. The frequencies emitted by AMI meters are much lower than cell phones, baby monitors, microwave ovens, wireless laptops, radios, televisions, cordless phones and garage door openers.

Customer Safety Is a Top Priority

  • All meters used by NES have been approved by the Federal Communications Commission and follow American National Standards Institute RF standards.
  • No customer identifying information is stored in the meters or transmitted across the network.
  • NES follows government and industry standards around data collection and system security.
  • We continuously upgrade security protocols, encryption and passwords to protect against hacking.
  • AMI meters meet requirements and standards spelled out in the National Electric Safety Code.

Customers can request an alternative to upgrading to an AMI meter for a monthly fee. For more information, visit