
Thanks to NES’ exceptional employees and customers, the utility service sees tremendous growth in customer satisfaction

Each year NES is thrilled to hear from its customers about the ease of interacting with the company and this year, NES is proud to recognize tremendous growth in customer satisfaction across several areas. Overall satisfaction remains high with 80 percent of respondents indicating they are “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with NES.

Here are a few major highlights of the survey NES is proud to share:

  • 96% of respondents find it easy and convenient to pay their electric bill
  • 91% of respondents find it easy to report an outage to NES
  • 91% of respondents find it easy to understand their NES bill
  • 89% of respondents find it easy to locate information and resources on the NES website
  • 79% of respondents find it easy to get in touch with customer service
  • 10% increase in customer satisfaction with NES’ communication to customers during extended outages

Aside from providing safe and reliable power to the community, NES is devoted to upholding positive customer experiences. While these numbers are impressive, they could not be achieved without a diligent and hardworking team of employees and exceptional customers. NES greatly values its customers and remains focused on exceeding expectations by listening to your feedback.