

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – With temperatures predicted to reach 100 degrees this week, Nashville Electric Service (NES) is offering important information to help customers manage their energy use while staying comfortable and safe.

NES is well prepared for the upcoming heat wave and is taking proactive steps to ensure safe and reliable electricity for its customers. The utility will be suspending disconnects for non-payment if the heat index is predicted to be higher than 105 degrees based on data from the National Weather Service.

The utility encourages customers to conserve energy and limit usage when possible to keep bills under control despite the extreme weather. It will also help reduce strain on the electric system.

• Turn your thermostat up to 78 degrees when you’re home and higher when you’re away. Use a fan to circulate the air and help you feel cooler.

• Close your curtains and shades on the sunny side of your home to block out the heat. Open them on the shady side to take advantage of the free light source.

• Put off chores around the house until later. Do laundry, run the dishwasher and use the stove after 8 p.m. or early in the morning, if possible.

• Turn off lights when you leave the room and unplug unused electronics.

“On the hottest days of the year, customers use more energy to stay cool,” said Decosta Jenkins, NES President & CEO. “But, simple adjustments around the house can help customers lower their usage and save money.”

NES recommends being prepared by having a back-up plan in place in case of an outage, especially if you or a family member rely on an electrical life-sustaining device. It’s also a good idea to have flashlights and batteries readily available, a phone charger in your car, a supply of non-perishable food, and a cooler for items that need to be refrigerated, in the case of an outage lasting more than four hours.