
Reporting an Outage is Easy as Pie

Celebrate Pi Day by registering for NES Text. You can use your mobile device to quickly text your outage if the lights go out. The faster we know about an outage, the faster we can work to restore it.

To register for NES Text, log into My Account at and select Text Alerts under your account preferences. This one-time step links your cell number to your NES account, making future reporting easy. Or, simply text “REG” to 637797 (NESPWR), if your cell phone number is already tied to your account.

Once enrolled in the program, you can report a power outage by texting “OUT” to 637797 (NESPWR) from your mobile device. NES will send a follow up text when power is restored.

In addition to NES Text, customers can still report outages from their online profile at or by calling the automated outage reporting line at 615-234-0000.

NES will continue to provide updates regarding outages on our real-time outage map and through social media on both Facebook and Twitter. For more information, visit our Outage Center.