
Power of the People: Sonya Pullens, Customer Relations Supervisor

  • What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month is part of my heritage. It is important to me because it is part of my identity. We are a people of humble beginnings who overcame adversity to a position of knowing that we can accomplish any and everything that we set our minds to do.

  • Which African American person (living or dead) inspires you most, and why? 

George Washington Carver. I admire him, not for the hundreds of scientific inventions, but for the fact that he was a highly spiritual God-led man that was respected around the world. His leadership style is one that I strive to emulate. I recommend reading his biography The Man Who Talks with the Flowers.

  • What are your thoughts about NES being a diversity-centered business?  Why do you think it is important?

It is a pleasure working in a business that intentionally employs a workforce comprised of various individuals with diverse cultures and ethnicities. As a woman, I am delighted to know that my employer promotes minority-owned businesses. I am pleased to know that NES makes an effort to represent minority-owned businesses in both material goods and services.

  • What is your advice to the next generation, regardless of race?

My advice to the next generation is to be content, but not complacent, in whatever condition you are currently in. Be kind to all and choose to be thankful and grateful for the good things in your life. Stay positive. The best is yet to come!