
Power of the People: Keven Lindsay, Materials Management

What makes you most proud about being Black (culture) and why?  

What makes me most proud about my culture is the impact it has on everyday life. You can see our culture in everything from music to clothing to dance, and even our language! You can’t turn on the television without seeing African American influence everywhere. We have contributed and participated, in all ways, to the construction of this nation and fought in every war despite not receiving much recognition for it. 

Who is the African American person (living or dead) who inspires you most? Tell us a little about why. 

In addition to my father, Dr. Martin Luther King inspires me through his example of leadership and his ability to organize and bring about change through means other than violence. To graduate from high school at 15 and Morehouse College at 19 and receive a Ph.D. by age 26 is such an amazing accomplishment, especially given the obstacles of that period. He probably could have been anything he wanted, but he chose to spend his life fighting for civil rights for blacks, as well as human rights for all. 

What is your advice to the next generation (regardless of race)? 

My advice to the next generation is take time to be honest with yourselves and be fair. “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”—James Baldwin