
Power of the People: Annetta Grant, Former Customer Relations Supervisor

“Black History month is a roadmap of where we came from, what we’re about, and where we’re going.”

  • What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History month is a roadmap of where we came from, what we’re about, and where we’re going. Growing up in a progressive Black city like Detroit in the 1960s allowed me to see diversity and inclusion as a youth. After President Kennedy was assassinated and the Detroit Riot of 1967, I saw firsthand how the city changed. Hearing sirens and seeing the smoke from my front porch, I knew that things would never be the same.

In 2020, I saw the devastation of racial turmoil and division in our country. History tells me that things may never be the same, but things will get better.

  • What is your advice to the next generation, regardless of race?

My advice to the next generation is learn your real history. Do your research to learn what really happened instead of what’s being put in front of you. Be encouraged to do better in life. Don’t just accept racism or other issues as just a part of life.

  • How long have you worked at NES? What is your role?

I worked at Nashville Electric Service for 29 years. While my title was Customer Relations Supervisor, my role as an African American woman was a mentor and a frontline worker setting examples to all that I met. I’m currently living the retirement life and enjoying it!