
Planning & Reliability Engineering Manager Leonard Leech celebrates 60 years of service at NES 

NES honors Planning and Reliability Engineering Manager Leonard Leech for 60 years of employment at the utility. Since serving at NES, Leech has had several roles in different departments, like System Planning, Distribution Planning, System Protection and Control Design. During his years as a full-time NES employee, Leonard has gone to the Army, served in the National Guard, attended college, become a husband, a father, a mentee, a college professor, a published author and an international presenter. 

Leech began with NES as a Junior Engineer in 1964. He has been a pivotal member in large engineering projects at NES and has taught the state professional engineering licensing test to countless aspiring engineers. In addition to managing a 31-person team, Leech has directed the completion of four comprehensive transmission system plans for NES’ power system, negotiated infrastructure use agreements with four competitive local exchange carriers, three wireless carriers and a cable television company resulting in significant revenue enhancement for NES. Leech also helped lead the design and modification of two substations, and even earned his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee while working at NES.  

Special thanks to Leonard Leech who has greatly contributed to the success of NES and has been a beloved colleague and friend to so many of us. We are honored to have such devoted and hard-working team members at our utility. Congratulations, Leonard!