

We work hard around the clock to provide reliable power. But when storms hit and trees fall, electrical equipment is damaged and outages happen. While we can’t control when a disaster will strike, you can take steps now to be prepared.

Nashville Electric Service (NES) is encouraging customers to know the hazards in your area, create a family plan and gather supplies to be ready to act.

According to a recent survey by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, nearly 60 percent of all Americans have not practiced how to respond to a disaster in the past year. National PrepareAthon Day on September 30 is working to change that. You can participate by signing up for local text alerts, downloading a weather app to your smart phone and collecting important documents in a safe place.

NES also recommends having an emergency supply kit handy, including batteries, flashlights, a portable radio, battery-powered clock, nonperishable food, bottled water and a fully charged cell phone. Preparation is key to weathering any storm or emergency, especially if the power goes out.

Storm Safety Tips

  • Turn off appliances and electronics to protect them against power surges.
  • Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed to preserve food as long as possible. Food in the fridge will be safe if power is out less than four hours. A full freezer will hold food safely for 48 hours.
  • Never cook indoors with charcoal.
  • Use flashlights instead of candles to avoid fire hazards.
  • Stay away from downed or sagging power lines. Call 911 to report hazardous conditions.
  • Consider staying at a hotel or with a relative during extended outages.

For more ideas on how to prepare, visit