Nashville Electric Service’s (NES) lineman rodeo teams had a great showing at this year’s Tennessee Valley Public Power Association Lineman Rodeo.
During event, held in Jackson, Tennessee, NES teams 11 and 12 took first and third respectively in the Overall Journeyman Team event. Team 11 members included Tommy Barksdale (NSC), Durwood Burks (DSC), Daniel Pease (NSC) and Cody Roberts (DSC), while Team 12 members were Adam Harris (WSC), Josh Jones (NSC), Derek Pennington (WSC) and Michael Shannon (NSC).
Harley Deline (NSC) won first place in the Individual Journeyman event Double Deadend Bell Change Out. NES Line Supervisor Steve Stubblefield and his wife Samantha were named the recipients of this year’s TVPPA GRIT Award.
2021 G.R.I.T. Award Harley Deline with daughter Eden and wife Nicole on ground – J. Adam Harris, on pole – Derek Pennington and Michael Shannon
The GRIT Award, which stands for Guts, Reliability, Integrity and Toughness, is the highest award given by the rodeo, and recipients are selected by the rodeo board. It is given in acknowledgement for demonstration of determination, dedication, strength, courage, toughness, competitive spirit, sportsmanship, leadership and a never-give-up attitude and overall contributions to the rodeo.
The award was created and named for the late inaugural recipient Sam Moore, a lineman in Florence, Alabama, who Steve had gotten to know well through the rodeo circuit and looked forward to seeing each year.
Sam’s passing makes the award even more meaningful to the couple, who didn’t know they had even been nominated.
Congratulations to all of the NES employees who participated in this year’s lineman rodeo events.