NES Shares Helpful Back-To-School Energy Tips

It’s Back-To-School time which means your home routine is likely to change. As you send your little ones back to school, keep the below energy-saving tips in mind as your household transitions from its summertime routine to its school year schedule. 

  1. Adjust your thermostat. You no longer have as many people in your home throughout the day while your kids are away at school so there’s no need to blast the air conditioner during the daytime. Turn your thermostat up a few degrees before you leave home and save on your energy bill.
  2. Unplug unused devices. With fewer people at home during the day, there’s no need to keep devices plugged in all the time. Unplug devices that are not being used to save energy and money. 
  3. Use less, save more. When your little ones come back from school, encourage them to play outdoors or read a fun book before grabbing their tablet, iPad, phone, or TV remote.
  4. Be mindful of the refrigerator door. If you pack lunch, try to grab all the ingredients you need at once and put all ingredients back at once. Constantly opening the refrigerator door or leaving it open while you pack lunch can increase your bill. 
  5. Close the curtains before you leave. On your way out, make sure you close the curtains so the sun isn’t heating your home while you’re away. This will help reduce the need to blast the air conditioner when you get home.

We hope the back-to-school transition is easy with these tips! For more energy-saving tips, click here.