
NES recognizes skilled tradespersons for National Skilled Trades Day 

NES celebrates all skilled trades workers serving at the utility and nationwide in honor of National Skilled Trades Day.  

The holiday takes place on the first Wednesday of May and celebrates the men and women working in skilled trades in the United States. The day honors tradespersons across a vast number of industries, like healthcare, construction, manufacturing and industrial. 

The term “trades” refers to an occupation that requires a very specific skill set and education, like mechanics, welders, carpenters and of course, electricians.  

Skilled tradesmen and women typically get started learning on the job or earning a certification from a trade-specific school, which typically takes less time than earning a four-year bachelor’s degree from college. Tradespersons are responsible for building houses, managing energy infrastructure, serving as first responders and police officers, and helping in the medical field.  

Every year, National Skilled Trades Day continues to raise awareness and help show America the value of skilled trades. Happy National Skilled Trades Day!