
NES’ Power of Change program benefits customers like James Pardue

Antioch resident and Nashville Electric Service (NES) customer James Pardue knows the impact that Power of Change can have on customers who need efficient home energy upgrades. Pardue, a Home Uplift Recipient, now has the upgrades he needs to age in place at home.

Pardue has run a telemarketing business and a ministry, and he buys and sells cars, but he is also blind. When he was 3 months old, a damaged optic nerve destroyed his eyesight.

“God blessed me with no physical sight, but he guides me spiritually through my third eye, which is the spiritual side,” he says. “I grew up just as a normal person. I was a go-getter, so I would go get it.”

Although Pardue is highly capable, he was intrigued when he heard about TVA EnergyRight’s Home Uplift program, particularly how it allows residents with limited means to make energy-saving home improvements. NES’ new opt-out program, the Power of Change, funds Home Uplift by rounding customers’ bills up to the next dollar.

Because of Home Uplift, Pardue now has an Alexa that can serve as his home’s thermostat. He can change the temperature simply with his voice. During one of his home audits, a contractor noticed the temperature on Pardue’s thermostat was set to emergency heat.

Emergency heat is helpful when temperatures dip below 20 degrees, as they provide supplemental heat in addition to the output from the heat pump. If the heat pump is malfunctioning, emergency heat can serve as the primary source for heat, but it can be costly to run. Once his thermostat was in the proper setting, Pardue’s monthly bill decreased by hundreds of dollars.

Through Home Uplift, NES customers can update their homes at no cost to them, a resource that is made possible through customer participation in programs like the Power of Change.

“Our customers include everyone from senior citizens and transplants to major corporations. We serve urban and rural Nashville, along with six surrounding counties,” says Sylvia Smith, NES vice president of customer services. “With Home Uplift, we’re able to keep customers who have been with Nashville Electric for decades in their homes and able to afford the energy efficiency renovations they need.”

Customers interested in applying for Home Uplift can determine their eligibility here.