
NES Plants Trees for 19th Annual ReLeafing Day

On Saturday, November 20, Nashville Electric Service (NES) worked alongside the Nashville Tree Foundation to plant trees during the 19th annual ReLeafing Day.

NES sponsored the event while Nathan Black from NES Vegetation Management Department attended to help with the planting. The Nashville Tree Foundation (NTF), in partnership with NES, has planted hundreds of power line-friendly trees around Nashville, which reduces the need for trimming as they grow to maturity. Trees provide shade, help to filter air pollution, create an oxygen-rich environment and reduce flooding by absorbing great amounts of ground water.

This year, NES helped to replant trees in areas across North Nashville, including Robert Churchwell Elementary School, Fisk University, Watkins Park, McKissack Middle School and Boyd Park in the Preston Taylor Homes community.

ReLeafing Day has been held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving every year since 2002 and is Nashville’s largest planting event.

Visit for more tree planting tips and tricks.