NES Offers Free Tools to Lower Bills

NES Offers Free Tools to Lower Bills

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Prepare now to keep hot summer air outside where it belongs. Nashville Electric Service (NES) is offering a free Neighborhood Energy Savers workshop this weekend to demonstrate easy, do-it-yourself improvements anyone can do at home.

When: Saturday, May 3 from 9:30 to 11 a.m.

Where: Looby Community Center, 2301 Metro Center Blvd., Nashville, 37228

NES will show how to seal air leaks using simple tools such as caulk, weather-stripping and spray foam. Participants receive a free energy-saving tool kit, valued at $25, and an energy action plan in order to implement changes right away.

For a complete list of Neighborhood Energy Savers workshops, visit

Nashville Electric Service is one of the 12 largest public electric utilities in the nation, distributing energy to more than 360,000 customers in Middle Tennessee.