
NES’ new 11th Avenue Substation Wins Construction Eagle Award

T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. (TWF), a contractor involved in developing NES’ recently completed 11th Avenue Substation, received an Eagle Award at the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Greater Tennessee Chapter’s 2021 Excellence in Construction (EIC) Awards for its work on the project.

The EIC awards program is the industry’s leading competition that recognizes both general and specialty contractors for innovative and high-quality merit shop construction projects throughout Middle and East Tennessee. Each submitted project is judged by complexity, attractiveness, unique challenges overcome, completion time, workmanship, innovation, safety and cost. ABC is a national trade association representing more than 21,000 merit shop contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers and related firms across the United States.

The new substation contains four transformers that distribute energy to more than 400,000 homes and businesses. The 30,674 square-foot structure sits on 11th Avenue South just between Church Street and Haynes Avenue and is valued at more than $18M.

The new structure replaced a 70-year-old substation that was located about a block away. When construction on the building was completed earlier this year, the project had racked up over 160,000 total man hours worked over the course of 21 months.

TWF won the Eagle Award in the Infrastructure: Heavy Under $100M category, one of 37 awards announced during the November 4th event. As a local chapter award winner, TWF is eligible to submit the project for a National Excellence in Construction Award. Those results will be announced in March.