
NES Finishes Strong at Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo

Nashville Electric Service (NES) linemen and apprentices made an impressive showing at the 25th Annual Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo that was held in early June.  

The two-day event took place in Sevierville, TN, and was hosted by the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association (TVPPA). The competition provides an opportunity for TVA power distributor employees to be rewarded for excellence and knowledge in their field. NES linemen and apprentices competed in individual, senior and apprentice competition categories, with two groups competing in the team events. 

Event results were as follows: 

Journeyman team events:  

  • Team 17 – 1st place in the Lightning arrestors competition, 3rd place overall  

Members: Cody Roberts, Tommy Barksdale, Daniel Pease, and alternate Durwood Burks  

  • Team 18 –1st place in New Construction Framing, 3rd place in the Obstacle Course, 2nd place overall 

Members: Derek Pennington, Adam Harris, Michael Shannon, and alternate Josh Jones  

Individual Journeyman competition: 

  • Kyle Robinson – 2nd place in the Obstacle Course and 1st place in the Lightning Arrestor Change Out 

Senior Journeyman competition: 

  • Tommy Barksdale – 1st place in the Hurt Man Rescue and 3rd place in Fuse Cutout relocation  
  • Durwood Burks – 2nd place overall and 2nd place in Fuse Replacement 

Apprentice Lineman Ryan Mahaney placed 5th overall in the Apprentice Technical Competition. He and Justin Clark also took a written test that covered General Knowledge, Basic Math, Ohms Law Equation, the 2017 APPA Safety Manual 16th Edition, and Basic Transformer Banking.   

John “JJ” Thomas and Brad Sanford provided the competitors with senior-level support, helping with preparation and serving as judges alongside Steve Stubblefield. 

For a full list of 2022 rodeo results, click here.