

United Way Receives $66,218 Corporate Investment from NES

Funds will impact Nashville community in areas of Education, Financial Stability and Health

United Way of Metropolitan Nashville’s corporate partners impact the Nashville community every day, making it a better place to live for everyone.

NES, a key corporate partner, presented United Way of Metropolitan Nashville with a check for nearly $67,000 on Oct. 21. The funds represent contributions to NES’ successful annual campaign.

This investment will contribute to United Way of Metropolitan Nashville’s various programs in the areas of Education, Financial Stability and Health. These three major areas are proven to have the biggest impact on at-risk members of our community, moving them from dependence to independence through strategic, scalable solutions. United Way programs including United Way Read to Succeed, United Way Family Resource Centers, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and others help Nashville residents lead healthy and stable lives.

“NES embodies the Volunteer/Advocate/Give model through its partnership with United Way of Metropolitan Nashville,” said Eric Dewey, President & CEO of United Way of Metropolitan Nashville. “Great things happen when businesses and individuals partner with United Way to impact critical problems and issues; we are fortunate to have such a partner in NES. We are grateful for the ongoing commitment and support in making Nashville a better place for everyone.”

The longstanding partnership between United Way and NES has not only resulted in a financial impact on the community, but has encouraged employees to volunteer at United Way community engagement opportunities and advocate for United Way programs.