
NES Customers Targeted By Utility Scams

Nashville Electric Service (NES) warns that customers are being targeted by scammers threatening to disconnect their power. The latest scam involves claiming there is a problem with NES’ payment processing service and instructing customers to call a 1-800 number to make an immediate payment.

Small business owners, non-English speaking customers and the elderly are frequently targeted.

These scammers have the ability to “spoof” or alter the name on the caller ID so that it displays NES’ name and phone number instead.

NES offers these tips to help customers protect themselves.

  • If someone calls threatening to cut off your power if you don’t pay, hang up. This is a scam.
  • Never give personal or financial information to an unsolicited caller.
  • NES does not provide a toll-free number to call for making a payment.
  • If someone in a utility uniform shows up at your door for unscheduled service, check for proper identification and have them wait outside while you call NES at 615-736-6900 to verify their information.
  • If you have doubts about a phone call, email, text or on-site visit, reach out to NES before taking any action.
  • If you think you are a victim of a scam, contact the local police.

All NES field employees wear uniforms and carry photo ID badges and company vehicles are marked with an NES logo and/or vehicle number. NES never calls or goes door-to-door to solicit payment information.