
NES Customers Targeted By Scam

Nashville Electric Service (NES) is receiving reports of customers being targeted by scammers. The scam artists are using a recorded call to contact small business customers claiming they are past due on their bill and will be disconnected from electric service if they do not make a payment. The recording sounds similar to NES’ disconnection warning, causing customers to fall victim to the scam.

Targeted customers are asked to use a prepaid card and call a toll-free number to make a payment. NES is warning customers to be aware. Customers are never asked to use a prepaid card for payment, and NES does not have a toll-free number.

If NES customers are unsure of the status of their account, please call NES Customer Relations directly at 615-736-6900 before taking any action.

NES offers these tips to protect customers from scammers:

  • If someone calls threatening to cut off your power if you don’t pay, hang up.
  • Never give personal or financial information to an unsolicited caller.
  • If you have doubts about the legitimacy of a phone call, email, text or on-site visit, call NES before taking any action.
  • If you think you’ve been a victim of a scam, contact police.