

Four hundred Nashville Electric Service (NES) employees are wearing pink hard hats in October to show their support during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This powerful movement demonstrates the utility’s commitment to raise awareness for the American Cancer Society and underlines the very real impact this disease has had on the lives of NES employees.

“I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer in November 2013,” shares NES Senior Staffing Specialist Cheryl Cole. “As a breast cancer survivor, it is an everyday journey to fight through my fears and find strength to have a positive influence on the community. I am not just a survivor. I am a mother, sister, friend, advocate and fighter that refuses to let breast cancer define me!”

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, after skin cancer. In fact, one in eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. It’s also the second-leading cause of death among women.

John Owens, NES senior utility arborist, is reminded of that reality every day. “I lost my mother in 2009 and I personally struggle most days with her not being here,” says John. “I never understood how much of her great spirit guided me throughout my life.”

Line Supervisor Marvin Sain lost his grandmother to breast cancer several years ago and is proud of NES’ commitment to raise awareness. “I still miss her. I try to do anything I can to show support and wearing a pink hard hat is the least that I can do.”

Those bright pink hard hats are getting noticed while crews work to provide safe and reliable power to customers every day, and the hope is that it will remind women to get screened.

It is recommended that women have a mammogram every year starting at age 40 for those who are at average risk. To learn more, visit

Click on our Facebook album to see crews wearing pink.