NASHVILLE, TN — Nashville Electric Service (NES) crews left this morning for Memphis to assist Memphis Light, Gas & Water restore power to more than 280,000 customers who lost power yesterday morning during a violent storm.
“We were contacted by the Memphis utility yesterday afternoon to ask if we could send line crews to assist in their power restoration efforts,” said Allen Bradley, NES Chief Operations Officer. “Our crews are happy to help. About 70 percent of the Memphis area is without power, and as of late last night, power had not been restored to all hospitals. They are in a serious situation, and these experienced lineman will be a real help to them in their power restoration efforts.”
NASHVILLE, TN — Nashville Electric Service (NES) crews left this morning for Memphis to assist Memphis Light, Gas & Water restore power to more than 280,000 customers who lost power yesterday morning during a violent storm.
“We were contacted by the Memphis utility yesterday afternoon to ask if we could send line crews to assist in their power restoration efforts,” said Allen Bradley, NES Chief Operations Officer. “Our crews are happy to help. About 70 percent of the Memphis area is without power, and as of late last night, power had not been restored to all hospitals. They are in a serious situation, and these experienced lineman will be a real help to them in their power restoration efforts.”
Thirty-six linemen, 13 bucket trucks, three specialized trucks and five pick-up trucks left the West Service Center this morning about 7 a.m. Crews were told to expect to be in Memphis for at least a week, and they will work 16-hour shifts alongside the Memphis utility crews.