
NES Celebrates Earth Day with Music City Solar Park

What was once a landfill in Madison, is now Nashville’s first community solar park. Music City Solar gives NES customers access to sustainable, maintenance-free solar energy without the hassle and costs associated with installing panels on their home or business.

Since going live in August of 2018, Music City Solar has generated more than 4,000 megawatt hours. That equates to enough electricity to power 319 homes on average for a year! Nashville is striving to become “the greenest city in the Southeast,” and this solar park is a huge step in the right direction.

Music City Solar’s two-megawatt community solar site is the largest solar photovoltaic system in Davidson County, producing an estimated 55 million kilowatt-hours of green energy over its lifetime.

How customers can participate:

  • Go Solar– NES customers can purchase subscriptions to individual solar panels and receive the energy credit on your monthly electric bill. The one-time, upfront subscription price per panel is $215 (plus applicable fees). Financing options are available.
  • Give Solar– NES customers can purchase subscriptions to individual solar panels and give the energy output to friends or family members. They’ll benefit from receiving the energy credit on their bill each month. You can also make a one-time, tax-deductible “solar angel” donation to The Community Foundation for low-income customers who qualify.
  • Become a Solar Angel – By making a tax deductible donation to The Community Foundation, your contribution will be used to purchase solar angel panels through the Music City Solar program. All proceeds from the output of those solar panels will go to assist low-income customers through energy-efficiency and weatherization programs or as a solar energy credit on their monthly bill.

On a regular basis, the sun produces an infinite amount of power. With this solar park, NES has the capability to harness and deliver clean, renewable energy to customers across the city. This reduces pollution levels and gives homeowners and renters alike the opportunity to earn energy credits on their electric bills and keep Nashville moving in a positive environmental direction. We are proud that NES is playing such a pivotal role in in keeping our Earth as green as it can be.