
Meet NES Employee Roger Anderson, Materials Management

  • You’ve been at NES since January 2006. What jobs or departments have you worked in during your time here?

I began as a Laborer at West Center on the Pole Crew, moved to Materials Management in 2007 as a Storekeeper I and was promoted to Storekeeper III in 2012.

  • You’re currently in Materials Management. What does a typical day look like for you?

There are no typical days because each day presents a new opportunity. Whether from Procurement, Engineering, Line Department, Planning & Scheduling, or external vendors, each day gives me the chance to provide the best solution. As the group Lead, it’s essential to ensure the team controls inventory, fills orders with accuracy, receives deliveries according to protocol and completes transfers as needed.

  • What do you like most about your job?

No two days are alike, and each day brings a different challenge.  

  • Since the pandemic hit, has your job changed? Any new responsibilities?

Yes. To protect the team and all those we encounter, the group adapted to different procedures to maintain proper guidelines associated with the pandemic and social distancing.  

  • Tell us more about a passion of yours (sport, hobby, family, etc.)

Big game hunting and most recently, woodworking. I also enjoy writing articles for outdoor magazines.

  • What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

Personally, my marriage of 41 years, my kids and family. Professionally, having the opportunity of setting up recovery of the 2010 flood and supplying material for crews to repair the damage to the NES system.

  • What three words would you use to describe your role?

Troubleshooter, Innovator, Trustworthy.

  • If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be?

That I would have had the opportunity to work here sooner.

• What is your motto or personal mantra?

Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?

  • Anything else you’d like to share about your experience at NES?

During my tenure at NES, it’s all hands-on deck, especially after natural disasters, as crews work together to take care of the communities.