
Keeping the Lights on Since 1939

Nashville Electric Service (NES) has been providing safe, reliable power to Middle Tennessee for the past 78 years. It’s nice to take a moment to reflect on the past, but we’re intently focused on the future.

The NES story is one of humble beginnings, trying challenges, incredible growth and an unwavering commitment to the communities we serve. Throughout the years, NES has been called upon to meet the power demands of a growing Nashville, and each time we have answered the call.

During World War II, NES helped Nashvillians contribute to the war effort by enforcing restrictions on power usage. In the 1970s, we spread the message of conservation as the country faced a severe energy crisis. When downtown Nashville experienced its greatest growth in the 1980s and ‘90s, NES increased the load capacity of its system. And, we have rebuilt significant portions of our system several times in order to restore service to our customers following natural disasters.

In recent years, environmental concerns have risen to the forefront and NES has been seeking out innovative plans to keep conservation and renewable energy sources a priority. Customers are taking advantage of free tools to help them save, whether it be the do-it-yourself energy audit or PowerWise Bill Analyzer. And, more than 2,500 Nashville-area homeowners have earned rebates on upgrades to improve the efficiency and comfort level of their homes. In addition, earlier this year, NES in partnership with TVA, announced plans to launch the city’s first community solar program consisting of 5,966 panels on the site of a former landfill in North Nashville.

Nashville is evolving along with the customers we serve but one thing remains steadfast. Every decision we make is focused on providing you with safe, reliable power. Approximately 80 cents of every dollar that comes into NES goes directly to TVA to pay for purchased power. The remaining amount goes to cover the various costs for operations, maintenance and infrastructure of the system, upgrades to meet customer growth and emergency and storm repair.

NES plans to meet the growing needs of Middle Tennessee while also looking for ways to cut costs such as implementing automated meter reading routes with the installation of AMI (Advanced Metering

Infrastructure) meters. We’ve also reduced purchased power costs by $2.5 million annually through our Peak Load Management program. And since 2000, we’ve maintained staffing levels even with a 23 percent increase to our customer base.

Our pledge today is still the same as it was in August 1939 – to provide safe, affordable and reliable electricity to those who call Nashville home.